Managed Patch Updates

Before I get into what Managed Patch Updates are I should first discuss Patch Updates. Every program has bugs (yeah, there’s something you didn’t know!).  The more complex the program, the more bugs it will have. While some of these bugs are merely annoying, some are dangerous. These dangerous bugs are referred to as vulnerabilities, […]

Managed Firewall Service

Years ago, firewalls were only needed by large companies that might be targeted by hackers. Over recent years, however, things have changed. The internet has become a much more dangerous venue. Hackers are no longer just selectively targeting big companies. Through malicious software (malware) and hacked websites they’re now targeting everyone. That includes big businesses, […]

IT Managed Services Defined

In my normal course of business I come up against lots of folks in our space—some I consider friends, some I consider competitors. Some I don’t consider as being in our space at all. As an IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) I only compare us to others who offer true IT Managed Services. The others […]