Free Technology Assessment Q&A

If you were offered a free assessment and would like more information, you’ve come to the right place. This page should answer any questions you may have. If not, please feel free to call and ask.

What happens in the assessment?
We usually travel in pairs.  I bring a Systems Engineer (SE) along to examine your network while I discuss business goals and technology challenges with the business owner and other decision makers.

What happens next?
After we leave, we discuss our findings—both the technical issues and the business goals. We document these findings and develop a plan to address your needs. We then schedule a time to get back together with you and discuss these.

Am I required to buy anything?
No. You’re only required to talk.

How can you afford to do this for free all the time?
We can’t. This is being offered as a courtesy through some of our business associates and only for a limited time.

What are the eligibility requirements for this free assessment?
This offer is available to businesses with 10 or more computers.


To claim your free technology assessment call
or use our
contact form.


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