A popular advertisement asks, “What’s in your wallet?” I’ll go out on a limb here and say I probably know what’s in your wallet. It’s not much different than everyone else’s wallet. Credit cards, bank ATM/debit card, driver’s license, health insurance cards, family photos, important contact info and maybe some other personal information. So what is in your wallet isn’t too interesting.
A better question would be, “Who’s in your wallet?” I’m speaking figuratively, of course. In this web-connected world, all of that same information may be available on your computers or online in various cloud-hosted servers. It’s important to know who has access to your virtual wallet.
Your business also has a wallet of its own. Whether it’s an in-house server or cloud hosted services, your business is keeping all sorts of confidential information. Employee records, customer/patient records, customer credit card numbers, sales leads and confidential company information that gives you a competitive edge. This is information that hackers and even your competitors would like to have.
It’s unnerving to think that a stranger may be maliciously sifting through your confidential information. It’s worse when you find it’s not a stranger. The biggest threat to your organization could be just a few feet away. Statistics show that 69% of data breaches are caused by employees.
In this free whitepaper I’ll briefly explain some of the threats businesses face and provide nine ways to reduce them. Click the link below to start taking steps toward improving data security.